Monday, 30 May 2016

On balance... UFOs increasing

Well, it's been a little while since I posted any progress here. I did finish the Tunisian crochet scarf I was making - and have since added another ripple effect scarf, this time knitting rather than crochet, using up some feather yarn left over from a previous project. I went on to purchase some Tunisian crochet hooks (bamboo with plastic extensions) and started a baby blanket using different stitches. However - since returning from a recent holiday I can't find it!!

However, I've also started several other things too. First I began knitting a chunky jacket - but it was too much to carry with me when I next went travelling. I didn't want to start anything on my travels which would require multiple yarns, so decided to have a go at a Sophie's Universe all in one colour - I had a cone of lovely olive green cotton. This toured round part of the U.S.A. with me, and over three weeks of travelling, this is how far it got. I do like the effect of doing it in a single colour; it brings out the texture really well.

I also took with me the box of hexagons I'd cut ages ago, and re-discovered during my clear-out in January. I got all of the cut hexagons on to paper and have started playing around with them to make a design.