Sunday, 17 January 2016

Three in one day!

Today's been a great "finishing" day... three items off my UFO list. Firstly, I completed the sixth of my set of patchwork cushions. I'd made five some time ago, then realised there were enough fabric strips left to make another; the patchwork had been done but not the making up. However, I'd forgotten the order in which they were put together so had to search out again the website from which I'd learned the techniques of piping and inserting a hidden zip.

The crochet beret started on my last journey has also been completed:
Finally, the odd square of patchwork which I'd put together from scraps and was using as a practice quilting piece has been quilted and bound to make a table mat:
Nothing else in my UFO collection will be quite so quick to finish off as these have been!

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